Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IRC Experience

I was successfully able to join the Seneca Channel on the Moznet IRC network. I sat there in an attempt to join the discussion but all I noticed was people coming and leaving the channel. I realized that it is extremely difficult to get involved in a discussion with persons who you don't know and a topic of discussion which you are not familiar with.

My main objective for joining the IRC channel was to identify a project and try to become involved in it. I will continue to until that objective is materialized.


  1. Hey Man,

    The channels can be sort of hard to try and jump into conversations when its your first time involved in it, was the same way for me. Come by one of the project channels and say you are from Dave's OSD600 class end people will know what you are talking about and steer you in the right direction. Feel free to drop by #popcorn on as thats the project I work on and I can give you a bit of info on it and such. Im dseif on irc.

    As for the other projects, the prcoessing.js channel is #processing.js on and I think paladin is #paladin, but im not sure about that one.

    Hope to see you around!

  2. Hi dseifried,

    Thanks for your comments. I am interested in working on the Popcorn project. I will be visiting that channel very often. My nickname on IRC is Johnno.

    Once again, thank you for your helpful commments.
