Friday, December 11, 2009

Final exam for OOP344 is now out of the way. I tried my best and hope that it was good enough. I must say that my professor has done a great job imparting his knowledge unto us. I learned a lot even if it is not reflected in an A+. I am a much better programmer and know a lot more. Thanks to him. He did it with all his heart. I received it with all of mine.

With regards to my group project, I am now working on a file manager class. I am not so clear on it but once I know what it is suppose to do, I will code it. With the knowledge I now have it is possible. Just a little for now.

See you later.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Well it seems like we are on the great count down to the finals of the semester. I must admit that this semester is undoubtedly the most stressful of the other two. Is is certainly the survival of the most committed.

So far I am not doing too badly but it could have been better. There is still a good chance of doing extremely well so I am going for it. So help me God.

I am still working hard on the text editor. My classes are frame, edit and vedit. It is very interesting to work as a team and I do believe the we have a team of hard workers. There are still some ways to go but we will be there eventually.

Ok. Have to go back to programming.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Poetry(First Draft). Please Critic

Elegy for Dudley George

Oh, what a sad day,
September 6 1995, I will never forget,
More over, I will never want to relive.
Ipperwash is mourning the loss of her son,
Her beloved son, her brave son,
who defends his brothers and sisters,
his generation and even those long gone.
Its nothing much they require, nothing more they demand.
“Leave us alone” was his cry,
Let those who are sleeping, lie.

The land is more valuable than those who occupy it.
The action the killer squad reveals,
who descends by night like a tornado, no signs, late warning,
In the closing of the summer,
with only one mission, no mistakes, no evidence.
Kill Anthony George.

Ipperwash will never be the same,
Her mourning will be for generations
Her son was unjustly taken
No one took the blame, therefore
All are guilty.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, OOP344 test was Nov 5 09 and I think it was a fair challenge. It was the opportunity to apply what you know and to find out where your weaknesses lie in order to strengthen yourself.

To me, the walk-through was most challenging in terms of analysis and time. It is therefore important not to spend too much time on one question which is not good for your overall performance . I fell into that trap many times when I felt figuring out some questions was going to be simple, but many times, it was at the expense of some other easier questions of which I was familiar. So, don't let it happen to you.

The good thing about the OOP344 walk-through was that it requested output of small blocks. You did not have to get the entire walk-through wrong. I support that method fully.

These are just my thoughts on the test. I hope everyone did well.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Well the last group meeting went well. There were lots of "lol" which created a relax atmosphere to get work done. The importance of purpose was maintained and we were able to touch on some necessary points.

To this point, I am not so clear as to how everything is going to work with assignment2 but I don't think anybody is either. Maybe if we get a clear understanding of the USER VIEW, that might help faster.

Next group meeting is scheduled for Friday 30th October 2009 at 7pm.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I was trying to allocate memory dynamically in C using the C++ method of
char* ptr;
ptr=new char[len];

However the solution was

char* ptr=NULL;

The latter actually worked. That was basically used to store the string temporarily just incase escape key was pressed to revert to original state.

Let me know of a better way.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I was able to solve the problem by including ncourses on the command line.
eg. cc ciol.c main.c -lcourses

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can someone tell the possible reason for these errors?

/tmp/cc28G9dV.o: In function `io_init':
ciol.c:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `initscr'
ciol.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference to `noecho'
ciol.c:(.text+0x11): undefined reference to `cbreak'
ciol.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `stdscr'
ciol.c:(.text+0x26): undefined reference to `keypad'
/tmp/cc28G9dV.o: In function `io_end':
ciol.c:(.text+0x3d): undefined reference to `endwin'
/tmp/cc28G9dV.o: In function `io_flush':
ciol.c:(.text+0x4a): undefined reference to `stdscr'
ciol.c:(.text+0x52): undefined reference to `wrefresh'
/tmp/cc28G9dV.o: In function `io_getch':
ciol.c:(.text+0x64): undefined reference to `stdscr'
ciol.c:(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `wgetch'

This is how I attempted to compile the text editor files using Linux
cc ciol.c keycode.c

Is there a particular built-in library that should be added?

Friday, September 18, 2009

21st Century programmer


I am a second year student at Seneca College. I am presently enrolled in Computer Programming and Analysis.

My country of birth is Guyana which is located on the northern coast of South America.
I spent a great part of my life studying and working in the beautiful island of Jamaica .

I am very interested in my OOP344 course and I am hoping to do very well in it.