Thursday, September 29, 2011

Release 0.1

I am currently working on ticket 308 of Popcorn project. This ticket involves creating a pause attribute for a video. There is already a start and end feature. The pause feature will allow for something which has started to pause for a specified time period then resume when the time for pause is completed. Text messages for example will remain longer on screen if the users require more time to read it.

Before actually writing the code for the new feature, analysis of the code had to be done to determine where the start and stop features are handled. In doing so, a plug-in (footnote) was executed to identify the event handling.

Since the code is large and complex, several breakpoints using Firebug was placed within popcorn.js file to follow the sequence of events. In addition to breakpoints, alert messages were also placed at different point to find where the start and stop events are handled. Since this additional feature requires a deep analysis of the core code, my task will involve finding where the actual change is to be made which is proven to be very time consuming. Understanding advance Java Script is also part of the task.

My continued efforts will be centered on running several tests to understanding the core code and eventually be able to add the code for pause in an efficient way.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Getting Started with Git

It was a nerve wrecking experience for me trying to generate and setup a key in order to download my Github repository to my local machine. What an experience.

Here are the challenges and solutions:

The path that was provided where the key should be saved was causing problems due to a space in one of the folder names. I tried putting the name in quotes but that did not work. The system continued to generate an error message.

I changed directory to the folder where I wanted the ".hub" file to be created and instead of provided a path, I just provided the name of the file(id_rsa).

Could not see the ".hub" file where the key was stored even though I turned on the view hidden file option.

I used the "ls" command within the directory(.ssh) were the ".hub" file was stored. This was done to verify that the file was present.
I copied (cp) the ".hub" file to a text file. eg cp id_rsa.hub key.txt

Once that was done, I was easily able to open the ".txt" file and copy the key and paste it correctly in my Github new key option. I tried it in text pad but it was causing problem due to space and new line character.

While downloading the repository, some file could not save due to permission access.

I had to save the repository under my user profile. I was under the root folder where saving ".js" files were not allowed.

I was finally able to download my Github repository to my local machine.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Subversion Vs Git

I have worked on a group project before on SVN with very little knowledge of the tool. Today I had some eye openers with some very wonderful illustrations in my OSD600 class. Having gained a better understanding of the older system and its challenges especially with mergers,I am now prepared to face the challenge of learning a new project management system anticipating a much more effective and powerful experience.This is the move from a Centralized Revision Control System to a Distributed Revision Control System(DVCS).

Today that journey has begun with Git. I have setup my Github Account and installed the Git on my machine. I have started using some of the basic command but not yet gone into deep waters. hopefully soon I will be able to clone the source code of a project and make a valuable contribution towards its performance.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Using WCF Data Service

I have created a WCF Data Service which works when "View in Browser" option is selected. It displays the information from the entities using the OData protocol.

I am new to the technology of web services.I intend to focus in this area as I work on one of the Open Source projects.

The challenge I am having is to use the information provided by the Data Service in a web form(.aspx). This may include displaying the information in a text area.

I did some research for several hours during which time I got some very good information but nothing explaining how to establish the link between the web form and the data service. I am not sure if there is a predefined function in the data service class to pass the URI information or if I have to create one.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

IRC Experience

I was successfully able to join the Seneca Channel on the Moznet IRC network. I sat there in an attempt to join the discussion but all I noticed was people coming and leaving the channel. I realized that it is extremely difficult to get involved in a discussion with persons who you don't know and a topic of discussion which you are not familiar with.

My main objective for joining the IRC channel was to identify a project and try to become involved in it. I will continue to until that objective is materialized.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Software Licensing Readings (OSD 600)

My OSD 600 course has taken off to a great start. We were encouraged to read about Software licensing terms as part of recognizing its importance and to identify things we basically overlooked before.

Windows 7 licensing terms.
The following points stood out to me:

1. We do not own the software.
2. Only one language version per computer
3. Term agreement cannot change consumer rights under local law.
4. Except for any refund from manufacturer or installer, you cannot recover any other damage or lost of profit.
5. May not be able to activate software outside of specified region.
6. Typing a '?' before text in the instant Search Box of address bar will send information to the search provider.
7. Information is sent back to the manufacturer from time to time.

In comparison to the open source licensing term, I do appreciate the level of flexibility it provides in regards to the software to which it applies. The level of flexibility is certainly one of the factors for the ever growing success of open source projects.