Friday, September 23, 2011

Getting Started with Git

It was a nerve wrecking experience for me trying to generate and setup a key in order to download my Github repository to my local machine. What an experience.

Here are the challenges and solutions:

The path that was provided where the key should be saved was causing problems due to a space in one of the folder names. I tried putting the name in quotes but that did not work. The system continued to generate an error message.

I changed directory to the folder where I wanted the ".hub" file to be created and instead of provided a path, I just provided the name of the file(id_rsa).

Could not see the ".hub" file where the key was stored even though I turned on the view hidden file option.

I used the "ls" command within the directory(.ssh) were the ".hub" file was stored. This was done to verify that the file was present.
I copied (cp) the ".hub" file to a text file. eg cp id_rsa.hub key.txt

Once that was done, I was easily able to open the ".txt" file and copy the key and paste it correctly in my Github new key option. I tried it in text pad but it was causing problem due to space and new line character.

While downloading the repository, some file could not save due to permission access.

I had to save the repository under my user profile. I was under the root folder where saving ".js" files were not allowed.

I was finally able to download my Github repository to my local machine.

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